Sunday, June 26, 2011

Way Down South (Pencoed actually) With Uncle Lyndon aka The Cornelly Hillbilly and the Two Fat Cyclists

Yesterday started with a wet and windy training ride for the Two Fat Cyclists (TFC) to Llanstephan and back to Carmarthen and saw the chunky duo out for a second day on the trott with an earlier Friday night spin out in Pendine and Laugharne. It also marks a turning point in the training regime and a change in commitment with positive noises being made about the big man's plans for a Chicago to New York event next March to coincide with the Six Nations competition.
(Diet Commitment From Andy)
The idea at present is that we fly out to the windy city take in a Wales match at a Welsh bar, cycle to New York for the following weeks encounter against the French with a couple or three gigs along the way and taking in places with Welsh links etc.
With potential gigs enroute and with the upcoming Charity Americana event at the Tin Shed in Laugharne on July 9th we've called in the Big Gun, Spam Dagger chief warbler and Harmonizing Guru - Uncle Lyndon, who, after an initial practice last weekend is really up for it, being as he is absolutley steeped in old timey music.

After our cycle yesterday we jumped into the VW and headed up the M4 for deepest darkest Pencoed for another practice with our new band leader.

We found him in fine fettle as can be seen in the above photograph. we had a great practice of our new (cover) material and Andy has narrowed the set down to `just the 40 songs`.

Another practice this week hopefully and a couple of rides will see both Harmonies and cycle performances improve further before our first musical outing of the new line up in two weeks time.
Phil (formely a Pork Pie) Jenkins

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